National Peoples Action are lefist extremist sometimes even described as militant. There method of operation is to bus in hundreds of people to invade the private property of high ranking elected officals and Business Executives. They apparently have their songs that they love to sing during their direct action protest sessions. One goes:
Who's on your HIT list NPA?
Who's on your HIT list for today?
Take No Prisoner, take no names.
Kick'em in the ass, when they play their games!
NPA is funded by the Tides Foundation, Ben & Jerry's Foundation and the MacArthur, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and horrifically our TAX Dollars! The Mott Foundation also supports NTIC and monitors their progress anually.
Victims of NPA's so called "Direct Action" are Jack Kemp, Mitt Romney's father,Paul Volker, Ben Bernake, Phil Grahm, Karl Rove and numerous Bank Executives. In 2004 the Washington Post reported that a large group (angry mob) of several hundred surronded Karl Rove's house and after knocking on his door and numerous chants the group grew aggressive and started peering through Rove's windows tracking his every move and driving the children into tears.
Ask yourself who is the real angry mob? Is it Tax Paying Americans at Townhall Meetings who may passionately raise their voice, or is it President Obama's own radical lefist groups like NPA?
For more information about Karl Rove and NPA check out Michelle Malkin's article " A closer look at left - wing thuggery"
I can't believe the propaganda our government is throwing at Americans. Of course we are angry! We would be angry at anyone who tried to force us into something that we know is wrong.