Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bloomington - Normal Central Planners Pt.7

Illinois Wesleyan University, Tallories Declaration, Agenda 21

Outside of the word "government," education appears more than any other word in Agenda 21. Chapter 36 of the United Nations Bible(Agenda 21) titled "Education, Training and Public Awareness," makes the case "education is critical for promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of the people to address environment and development issues."

The Society for College and University Planning published a document called "Planning for Higher Education." On page 22 is a article titled "Transforming the University Campus into a Sustainable Community," by Richard K. Norton, Andrew Brix, Trevor Brydon, Elijah Davidian, Keely Dinse, and Sanjeev Vidyarthi . The article asserts that the "Talloires Declaration and Agenda 21 served as a call to action for higher education institutions."

According to a article featured on the University Leaders for a Sustainable Future's website (ULSF the sponsors of the Tallories Declaration), titled a "U.S. Progress Toward Sustainability in Higher Education," by Wynn Calder and Richard M. Clugston "there has been growing international interest in the role of higher education in fostering a sustainable future. Agenda 21 and a series of HESD declarations in the 1990s made this agenda explicit." The article also states that HESD Declarations like the Tallories Declaration reaffirms Chapter 36 of Agenda 21.

On April 13, 2007, the President of Illinois Weslyan University Richard Wilson signed the Tallories Declaration (pronounced Tal-WHAR), a Transnational ten point plan of action for incorporating Sustainable Development into higher education. According to the IWU Sierra Student Coalition they approached President Wilson in 2006 about signing the Declaration which was written at a International Conference in Tallories, France. Illinois Weslyan is now an active player in promoting Chapter 36 of Agenda 21.

The Talloires Declaration
1. Increase Awareness of Environmentally Sustainable Development

2. Create an Institutional Culture of Sustainability

3. Educate for Environmentally Responsible Citizenship

4. Foster Environmental Literacy For All

5. Practice Institutional Ecology

6. Involve All Stakeholders

7. Collaborate for Interdisciplinary Approaches

8. Enhance Capacity of Primary and Secondary Schools

9. Broaden Service and Outreach Nationally and Internationally

10. Maintain the Movement

A recent Guest at Illinois State University Peter Blaze Cochran(Promoting the UN Earth Charter)
wrote an article along with Wynn Calder and Richard M. Clugston titled "Higher Education for Sustainable Development." In the article he asserts that four organizations agreed to form a Global Higher Education for Sustainability Partnership (GHESP), to combine their strengths in an effort to mobilize higher education institutions to support sustainable development. Notice the Fourth group is a United Nations Organization that serves as the Task Manager for implementation of Chapter 36, Agenda 21. Illinois Wesylan University has signed onto a Declaration that makes them partners with the United Nations Task Master in charge of Education and Agenda 21.

. The organizations are:

•The Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) serves as the Secretariat of over 280 signatories of the Talloires Declaration in over 40 countries and promotes education for sustainability based on the Earth Charter; (ILLINOIS WESLYAN UNIVERSITY is involved)

•COPERNICUS-Campus, formerly a Programme of the Association of European Universities

•The International Association of Universities (IAU)

•The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is the task manager for the implementation of Chapter 36, "Education, Public Awareness and Training", of Agenda 21.

Illinois Wesleyan University has been busy Planning on how to involve the Tallories Declaration not only in their University, but our community, schools, and our local government. Below are some of their plans of action taken from an IWU website:

1. Increase Awareness of Environmentally Sustainable Development

Use every opportunity to raise public, government, industry, foundation, and university

awareness by openly addressing the urgent need to move toward an environmentally

sustainable future.

Past efforts:
• Host the annual Sustainable Living and Wellness Expo at the Shirk Center
• Create a sustainability pledge for signing upon graduation
• Incorporate sustainability within the curriculum6. Involve All Stakeholders

Encourage involvement of government, foundations, and industry in supporting

interdisciplinary research, education, policy formation, and information exchange in

environmentally sustainable development. Expand work with community and

nongovernmental organizations to assist in finding solutions to environmental problems.

• Established a volunteer/internship partnership with the "ECOLOGY ACTION CENTER."

and Sugar Grove Nature Center

• Engaged the local community through the Sustainable Living and Wellness


Potential future efforts:

• PARTNER with TOWN OF NORMAL with regard to sustainability (per Town

Planner’s request)

* Enhance Capacity of Primary and Secondary Schools

Establish partnerships with primary and secondary schools to help develop the capacity

for interdisciplinary teaching about population, environment, and sustainable

• Encourage Education majors to develop environmentally-themed curricula

for area schools
• Establish “Sustainability Mentor” program with area schools
• Explore potential PARTNERSHIP with EPA (renewable energy grants/programs)
• Utilize new partnership with ULSF

Establish Sustainability Coordinator position or enhance capacity of

GREENetwork to ensure the implementation of the Talloires Declaration

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bloomington - Normal Central Planners Pt.6

     Mike Matejka is a former Bloomington City Council member, Union activist, Task Force member of Community-Wide Sustainability Development Plan 2035 for the City of Normal , and a former Board Member of the Central Illinois Organizing Project, now known as Illinois Peoples Action.

     On July 27th, 2006. The Pantagraph published a article by Mr. Matejka about former Vice President Al Gore’s movie “Inconvenient Truth.” This movie helped launch the End of World hysteria that Central Planners around the Globe used to push their sustainable development agenda on trusting populations. Gore’s movie has since been discredited with over thirty known falsehoods. In 2006 Gore said we only have Ten Years left to save the planet from scorching. Not Surprisingly, Al Gore was also involved in the Chicago Climate Exchange and it has been said he would have been a Multi Billionaire overnight if Congress would have passed Cap and Trade Legislation. Here are some exerts from Matejka’s article:

 "That's why McLean County residents should hurry to see Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth." Using hard science, careful data and a strong moral message, the film's conclusion is inescapable - unless we change our consumption patterns and our rate of CO2 emissions, we are heating up our planet. And heating up our planet alters weather patterns, leading to unpredictable and powerful storms, hurricanes and tornadoes."

." And right now, our current risk of long-term environmental damage is stark and immediate, with the planet's 10 hottest years in the past 14 - this is not a cycle, this is a disaster warning. Run, bike or walk to the nearest theater or video store and screen"

     Mike Matejka is also a former board member of CIOP / Illinois Peoples Action and he recently spoke on a topic at the Illinois Peoples Action’s candidate forum. Illinois Peoples Action is the downstate branch of the militant National Peoples Action whose mission would make the Constitutionally uncompatable term Social Justice come to life in a complete transformation of American Society. According to National Peoples Action this is their “Big”mission:

1. TAKE BACK our power to USE THE GOVERNMENT as OUR TOOL to promote the COMMON GOOD, CORRECT THE INJUSTICES of the past, and REDISTIBUTE resources equitably and sustainably.

(MARXISM my words)
2. DEMOCRATIZE the market to put people above profits. (End of Capitalism my words)

3. ENFORCE fundamental human RIGHTS standards that prevent exploitation of people and the ENIVRONMENT. (Sustainable Development planning your life my words)

4. TAKE ACTION to ensure racial, gender, ECONOMIC , and immigrant justice in ALL social and economic systems. (Replacing the Rule of law in our Civil Society with the Rule of Men. No more Bill of Rights and Constitution)

     The first major victory for National Peoples Action occurred in 1977 when partnered with the infamous ACORN pushed for and won the 1977 Community Re-Investment Act passed by Congress. The 1977 Re-Investment Act accompanied with the 1989 Amendment to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and additional regulations issued by the Clinton Treasury Department in 1995 forced banks to make loans to people with bad credit and insufficient income.

. These unwise transactions became known as “subprime loans” and were often given without documenting income, revealing credit scores or requiring a down payment. This should serve as a clear warning of what happens when Planners (National Peoples Action) try to correct what they deem as injustice. Their good intentions (in there view ) caused many poor people to obtain home loans they couldn’t afford causing stress on the poor and the banking system. The More the Planners Plan, The More they Get Things Wrong and create Injustices.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bloomington - Normal Central Planning Pt.5

The cities of Bloomington and Normal are both involved with the Ecology Action Center. The Ecology Action Centers are springing up all over the world. . The Center recently promoted a movie that was shown on March 27th, at Heartland Community College about environmentalist Aldo Leopold a hero to the green movement. Aldo Leopold was a Socialist who believed only the community and not individuals should own land.

Radical groups like the Sierra Club promote the establishment of these centers in their quest for Sustainable Development and Universal Global Regulations or the complete destruction of property rights and undermining of Nation States. Radical Groups that get funds at the National level from George Soros according to are partnered with the Ecology Action Center. Such as Indy Media, ( SEAC) Student Environmental Action Coalition, And the Community Foundations.

The Ecology Action Center also suggests getting your news from these publications which have also received funding from George Soros Grist Magazine and Environmental Network News.  According to the book “Climate Confusion” written by Dr. Roy W. Spencer a writer for Grist online magazine posted the following comment about people who challenge man made global warming:

“ When we’ve finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we’re in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these bastards—some sort of climate Nuremberg.”

Other groups include No Nukes, Bloomington Normal Citizens for Peace and Justice, The Progressive Alliance of Bloomington-Normal, The JWP Audubon Society is a local branch of the National Audubon Society which was instrumental in helping the United Nations develop the early framework of UN Sustainable Development Policies setting the stage for the Rio Accords. The National Audubon Society signed onto the United Nations document on Human Settlements in 1976 and the Preamble is very, very ANTI PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS.

Preamble of the Human Settlements Document signed by the Audubon Society:

And this is the Preamble from the document: "LAND...CANNOT be treated as an ordinary asset, CONTROLED BY INDIVIDUALS and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. PRIVATE LAND OWNERSHIP is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore CONTRIBUTES TO SOCIAL INJUSTICE; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole PUBLIC CONTROL OF LAND use is therefore INDESPENSIBLE...."

     Another local group called the Soroptimist International Society of Bloomington - Normal also helps support the Ecology Action Center and according to a Soroptimist International website they are involved and fully support United Nations Agenda 21. 

"Agenda 21. Environmental Challenges of Agenda 21 of the United Nations Conference On Environment and Development, (UNCED), in Rio, 1992

Soroptimist International fully supports the decisions taken at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio 1992 and urges all Governments to ratify and implement the Conventions on:

*Climate Change, Biodiversity, Fight against desertification, Principles of Global Consensus.
In order to implement Agenda 21, Soroptimist International asks its members:
*to become knowledgeable about the National Agenda 21 and especially the Local Agenda 21 which all countries and municipalities have been asked to establish
*to act within this framework, together with the community based organisations

*to increase their awareness, advocacy and action in order to influence decision makers and promote Agenda 21 at an early age, through education in schools,"

     It is no surprise George Soros is funding environmental groups and many of them have connections with ICLEI and our local Ecology Action Center. In 1997, George Soros’s Open Society gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project, also sometimes known as Communities 21. George Soros echoed Earth Charter author Maurice Strong when he stated “America, as the center of the globalized financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world. This is now over. The game is out,’ he said, adding that the time has come for ‘a very serious adjustment’ in American’s consumption habits.”

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bloomington - Normal Central Planning Pt.4

     Mayor Koos is classified by the Sierra Club and by the United Nations (ngo) International Council on Local Environmental Issues (ICLEI) as a “COOL MAYOR.” The UN (ngo) ICLEI has given Mayor Koos an entire webpage for his “Cool Mayor” profile. ICLEI and the Sierra Club monitor the progress of Cool Mayors in the implementation of Sustainable Development policies. ICLEI provides “toolkits” to local mayors that help influence policy changes in development, watersheds, and land use in exchange for financial rewards. Springfield Illinois is a full member of ICLEI.
      Some areas like Edmond Oklahoma and Carrol County Maryland recently withdrew from ICLEI because new elections swept new leaders into office due to public outrage over ICLEI membership and sustainable development policies. The City of Normal is not yet a member of ICLEI; however, having your Mayor become a “Cool Mayor” is a big step. According to the Website freedom advocates the consequences of ICLEI policy changes are as follows:

•Traffic congestion

•Open space where access is not allowed

•Government “partnering” with favored private businesses and non-profit agencies, using your tax money

•Undermining Constitutional administration of government

•Managed control over your life

•Mismanagement of public utilities

•Prohibitions on natural resource management leading to increased fire hazards, lack of water, and private property restrictions,

•Increased taxes, fees, regulations and restrictions
ICLEI's own website says :

Our programs, and projects promote participatory, long-term, strategic planning process that address local sustainability while protecting global common goods. This approach links local action to internationally agreed-upon goals and targets such as:

Agenda 21, the Rio Conventions

ICLEI Website keeping tabs on Normal: http://www.iclei-euro...

Normal, Illinois (Town of Normal, Illinois)

USA - North America

City - Inhabitants (): 52.056

Territory size: 35 km2

Community GDP in USD: 2.469.536.640 Baseline year used: 1990


CO2e reduction target: 7% by 2012 (community)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bloomington - Normal Central Planning Pt3

     The US Mayors Conference which Mayor Koos is a member, also endorses the Earth Charter written by Socialist Maurice Strong and Communist Mikhail Gorbachev former leader of the Soviet Union. Interestingly Strong is a former Secretary General of the United Nations and huge proponent of Sustainable Development even though he currently lives in China, his company builds an average of one Coal Plant per week. Consequently Strong himself is one of the world’s biggest polluters. Maurice Strong was also involved in the UN oil for Food Scandal when he endorsed himself a check for $988,885 dollars. Strong also was a stockholder and board member of the Chicago Climate Exchange and stood to make billions if Cap and Trade Legislation was passed. Maurice Strong after the 1992 Conference in Rio said “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? And isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

     Mikhail Gorbachev former leader of the collapsed Soviet Union standing with Maurice Strong at a news conference about the Earth Charter stated ““We have, I believe, to gear consumption to peoples cultural and spiritual needs also through culture and education and within the framework of laws, we shall address the problem of controlling the world’s population.” Mr. Gorbachev also stated that he hoped the 16 principles of the Earth Charter would be the New Ten Commandments.

     A Normal City Council member two years ago was asked if they had ever heard of the Earth Charter? The reply was “ Yes, we have passed it around the council.” Bloomington City Council Member Jennifer McDade played a active role in bringing Dr. Peter Blaze Corcoran an author of “Earth in Action” and a huge proponent of the Earth Charter and an advisor to the United Nations to Illinois State University. As an advisor for the Earth Charter Initiative (ECI), Corcoran provides leadership to guide the transition to a more sustainable global community. An Illinois State University website promoting the event stated “ Corcoran will facilitate a dialogue among the participants about Current and Future possibilities for campus and Community Collaborations.”

     Council Member McDade was given all the information in this article and graciously responded to two questions that I asked:

Question 1: Are you a proponent of the Un Earth Charter?

Answer by Council Member McDade:

Outside of my professional responsibilities for the Peter Corcoran event (which was part of my work assignment at Illinois State University), I am not involved with the Earth Charter

Question 2: Are you actively pushing for the principles of the Earth Charter for the City of Bloomington?

Answer by Council Member McDade:

No. I am not familiar enough with the document to comment on the accuracy of your statement below.

     The Earth Charter is overwhelmingly about Transnationalism. Why are so many local officals looking at the Transnational Earth Charter instead of the US Constitution?

Some Principles from The Earth Charter:

3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful.

a. Ensure that communities at all levels guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms and provide everyone an opportunity to realize his or her full potential.

b. Promote social and ECONOMIC JUSTICE, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful livelihood that is ecologically responsible.

Adopt at all levels sustainable development plans and regulations that make environmental conservation and rehabilitation integral to all development initiatives.

Guarantee the right to potable water, clean air, food security, uncontaminated soil, shelter, and safe sanitation, allocating the national and international resources required.

After reading these brief examples ask yourself who granted the New “Rights” to water, clean air, food, and Security? In Addition, ask yourself who is going to oversee the promotion of Economic Justice or wealth Re-Distribution and the universal development plans? Economic Justice in the Earth Charter is talking about taking from the Carbon Producers (The United States) and giving our wealth and energy to the rest of the world. And who has the capability or would like to have the capability to provide an armed force that can guarantee a right to security? Now do you still really believe that all of these sustainable development ideas are originating from the residents of Bloomington- Normal and it’s all about beautification?