The Central Illinois Organizing Project on Saturday met with Federal Reserve Officals at the Decatur Civic Center. The CIOP boldy asked for $1 Billion dollars for a Pilot Project to help impoverished areas like Downtown Pekin(?), and Peoria's Harrison Homes which are rebuilt every ten years it seems. It is rumored they got the meeting after protesting in front of Fed Chair Bernake's home. The NTIC and National Peoples Action allegedly used the same method of operation years ago with former Fed Chair Paul Volker.
Also the featured speaker was the Nation and Washington Post writer William Grieder a proponant of Global Humanism (One World Govt) According to Lewrockwellblog.com Grieder wants a group of Deciders or Central Planners to control our lives in the name of a Marxist Utopia. It is clear in order to achieve this Utopia of No Freedom a security force would be necessary to intimidate and silence the opposition. Security Force:
The american people who are waking are reading a book called "The 5000 Year Leap." This book shows us that the Founding Fathers belived Divine Providence played a large role in the founding of our country. Also it explains the importance of moral character and truth amongst all citizens in order for a Republic to survive. By contrast the radicals trying destroy our country follow a book dedicated to Lucifer called "Rules for Radicals"which teaches deception, ridicule, and win at all costs. It is amazing that several churches here in the Twin Cities have chosen to align themselves with NTIC and National Peoples Action which have very high reguard for the book "Rules for Radicals" dedicated to the ultimate destroyer.
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