All of america thanks to countless media stories has heard of the "Religous Right." However, do to virtually no media coverage hardly anyone has heard of the "Religous Left." The religous leftist churches promote social justice and liberation ideology. These churches long ago stopped trying to save souls and encourage people to accept Jesus into their hearts to achieve a inner peace and joy. In sharp contrast, leftist churches preach political ideology and their followers are filled with anger about the injustices of those who Have alot and those who Have little.
According to the book "Betrayel of the Church" written by Methodist ministers Edmund and Julia Robb: "Alex de Tocqueville over 175 years ago observed that it is extremely dangerous for clerics to become involved in politics of any persuassion. When they do he said they are identified with their politics instead of their faith. One of America's great strengths was that the churches had not compromised their belief by acting out their secular opinions... As a result belief had remained unshaken."
There are a variety of reasons why someone would accept marxist teachings within a church:
1. Only the Minister and a small group within the church staff know about the real causes their dollars support.
2. A member may hear a few things that peeks their senses, but he or she doesnt want to cause any trouble within the church.
3. The person feels guilt for not doing much to help those in need , so they feel helping to finance
efforts to help those in poverty excuses the marxist overtones.
4. The person is insecure, stressed by life, fearful of the future and likes the Secuirty that an Authoritarian figure in a marxist realm would bring to their life.
5. The person is angry and blames the United States for all the world's problems. The marxist teachings of social justice appeals to them.
6. The person chooses to see and hear no evil, about the actions being conducted in their church's name. Knowledge would mean responsibility and they don't want that.
7. The person feels it is wrong that some people have alot, while others have little.
8. The person is self destructive and feels they deserve the horrific consequences marxism would bring to America.
9. The person has lost faith and marxism feels a void and gives them something to belive in.
10. The person is a true beliver in marxist & communist ideas and wants to promote Revolution.
It is difficult to understand how a church would align themselves with communist regimes around the globe with social and financial support and choose to ignore the politcial prisoners, the often thousands of innocent men, women and children who are murdered for refusing to conform to the marxist belief system, and in many cases the persecution of Christians for refusing to bow down and acknowledge governtment, or the great dictator as the supreme ruler. Perhaps, the most difficult thing to comprehend is that these ministers do not realize if a true marxist revolution occured in America they might be the very first people the regime would execute.
According to the book "Betrayel of the Church" written by Methodist ministers Edmund and Julia Robb: "Alex de Tocqueville over 175 years ago observed that it is extremely dangerous for clerics to become involved in politics of any persuassion. When they do he said they are identified with their politics instead of their faith. One of America's great strengths was that the churches had not compromised their belief by acting out their secular opinions... As a result belief had remained unshaken."
There are a variety of reasons why someone would accept marxist teachings within a church:
1. Only the Minister and a small group within the church staff know about the real causes their dollars support.
2. A member may hear a few things that peeks their senses, but he or she doesnt want to cause any trouble within the church.
3. The person feels guilt for not doing much to help those in need , so they feel helping to finance
efforts to help those in poverty excuses the marxist overtones.
4. The person is insecure, stressed by life, fearful of the future and likes the Secuirty that an Authoritarian figure in a marxist realm would bring to their life.
5. The person is angry and blames the United States for all the world's problems. The marxist teachings of social justice appeals to them.
6. The person chooses to see and hear no evil, about the actions being conducted in their church's name. Knowledge would mean responsibility and they don't want that.
7. The person feels it is wrong that some people have alot, while others have little.
8. The person is self destructive and feels they deserve the horrific consequences marxism would bring to America.
9. The person has lost faith and marxism feels a void and gives them something to belive in.
10. The person is a true beliver in marxist & communist ideas and wants to promote Revolution.
It is difficult to understand how a church would align themselves with communist regimes around the globe with social and financial support and choose to ignore the politcial prisoners, the often thousands of innocent men, women and children who are murdered for refusing to conform to the marxist belief system, and in many cases the persecution of Christians for refusing to bow down and acknowledge governtment, or the great dictator as the supreme ruler. Perhaps, the most difficult thing to comprehend is that these ministers do not realize if a true marxist revolution occured in America they might be the very first people the regime would execute.
Here is a link to website of an African American male who blogs a warning to America about President Obama, Religion and the possible dire consequences for the United States:
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