Friday, August 28, 2009

Karl Marx Quotes

"The theory of communism can be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property."

"The meaning of peace is the absense of opposition to socialism."

"Religion is the opium of the masses."

"Revolutions are the locomotives of history."

"Democracy is the road to socialism."

Don't Despair, Now is the time for all americans to come together and fight this evil force that has penatrated our government and communities. Watch this awesome Video of what americans are made of for inspiration:

Leftist Churches in Twin Cities

All of america thanks to countless media stories has heard of the "Religous Right." However, do to virtually no media coverage hardly anyone has heard of the "Religous Left." The religous leftist churches promote social justice and liberation ideology. These churches long ago stopped trying to save souls and encourage people to accept Jesus into their hearts to achieve a inner peace and joy. In sharp contrast, leftist churches preach political ideology and their followers are filled with anger about the injustices of those who Have alot and those who Have little.

According to the book "Betrayel of the Church" written by Methodist ministers Edmund and Julia Robb: "Alex de Tocqueville over 175 years ago observed that it is extremely dangerous for clerics to become involved in politics of any persuassion. When they do he said they are identified with their politics instead of their faith. One of America's great strengths was that the churches had not compromised their belief by acting out their secular opinions... As a result belief had remained unshaken."

There are a variety of reasons why someone would accept marxist teachings within a church:

1. Only the Minister and a small group within the church staff know about the real causes their dollars support.

2. A member may hear a few things that peeks their senses, but he or she doesnt want to cause any trouble within the church.

3. The person feels guilt for not doing much to help those in need , so they feel helping to finance
efforts to help those in poverty excuses the marxist overtones.

4. The person is insecure, stressed by life, fearful of the future and likes the Secuirty that an Authoritarian figure in a marxist realm would bring to their life.

5. The person is angry and blames the United States for all the world's problems. The marxist teachings of social justice appeals to them.

6. The person chooses to see and hear no evil, about the actions being conducted in their church's name. Knowledge would mean responsibility and they don't want that.

7. The person feels it is wrong that some people have alot, while others have little.

8. The person is self destructive and feels they deserve the horrific consequences marxism would bring to America.

9. The person has lost faith and marxism feels a void and gives them something to belive in.

10. The person is a true beliver in marxist & communist ideas and wants to promote Revolution.

It is difficult to understand how a church would align themselves with communist regimes around the globe with social and financial support and choose to ignore the politcial prisoners, the often thousands of innocent men, women and children who are murdered for refusing to conform to the marxist belief system, and in many cases the persecution of Christians for refusing to bow down and acknowledge governtment, or the great dictator as the supreme ruler. Perhaps, the most difficult thing to comprehend is that these ministers do not realize if a true marxist revolution occured in America they might be the very first people the regime would execute.

Here is a link to website of an African American male who blogs a warning to America about President Obama, Religion and the possible dire consequences for the United States:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

CIOP Storms Bloomington Office!

ON June 21st, 2008 The pantagraph reported a story about CIOP storming a local Countrywide Office and being asked to leave by the police. Is this the Real Angry MOB? The Pantagraph never called them that in the article nor did they refer to them as children and ask them to stand in the corner like they did to patriotic americans in a recent Editorial.

CIOP Storming office in 2008:

Pantagraph Trashing Patriotic Americans in August 26th, 2009 Editorial"

City Alderman Calls CIOP Thugs!

On May 6th, 2006 The Pantagraph reported that Bloomington Alderman Skip Crawford called CIOP "a bunch of thugs." Here is the link for the full story:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Latinos United for Change / CIOP & Che Guevara

Latinos United for Change is a project of the Central Illinois Organizing Project. They want full immigrant rights; however, on their myspace page their logo for L.U.C. is the Communist Clinched Fist that you can view at this link:

This salute is used by social activists of a Leftist, Anti Fascist, Communist, Marxists, and Black Nationalists mindset. It is reguarded as a symbol of solidarity, strength, and defiance. Amoung socialists and communists it is sometimes called the "Red Salute."

In addition, if you go to some of their members myspace pages( who are NPA trained Organizers for CIOP) in the photos section they have pictures of Che Guevara a Marxist Revolutionary and mass Murderer.

Che Guevara lost every real armed conflict during his glorified military career. He did win thousands of battles over his opposition after he had them blindfolded, gagged, and hands bound. Upon his 1959 arrival in Cuba he quickly ordered the execution of 2,500 such men.

Che Guevara trained Castro's firing Squads and is responsible for the murders of thousands of your fellow Latin Americans. Thousands of freedom loving latinos gave their lives fighting Che Guervara and the communist sytem of slavery he was trying to impose on them.
For great information about Che and who he really was watch the educational clips at the very end of this music video:

Cuban - American fighters from the Bay of Pigs still laugh at Che's legendary military exploits. The fighters sailed a boat full of fireworks and audio recordings playing the sounds of a fake battle. Che bravely grabbed his pistols and a thousand men and spent the entire Bay of Pigs Battle fighting a boat with an Audio recording.

Latinos United for Change and CIOP, would be better served learning about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the Greatness of America than failed marxist and communist killers. America is a land of great opportunity and promise I urge you to take advantage of that and not align yourself with marxist groups like NPA.

Che Guevara Song Making fun of people who wear his T - Shirts

NPA , CIOP, Soros and Acorn Link

The National Peoples Action and the Central Illinois Organizing Project are often too quick to point out that they are not ACORN. Acorn is quickly being exposed by Glen Beck as a possible criminal organization and National Peoples Action (NPA) wants to distance itself from this negative perception. However, NPA may be something much scarier than Acorn. NPA are the die hard true believers in Saul Alinky's utopia of social, economic and racial justice. The question is who decides what justice is in their wealth re -distributionist influenced minds. In the 2oth century Marx like movements in the name of social, economic justice murdered 120 million of their own people.

In addition, during the Presidental election campaign Obama said to his followers " get up in their faces," That is what NPA does better than anyone. Perhaps NPA's activities is that the media should be reporting about, not law abiding senior citizens speaking at townhall meetings.

According to Front Page Magazine's Richard Poe:
In the age of Soros, mainstream Democrats have embraced the thuggish tactics of NPA (National Peoples’ Action) and similar groups. The sudden emergence of street thugs as a force in U.S. politics calls to mind the elevation of similar groups overseas, where Soros often bankrolls street radicals with a zest for physical confrontation. Readers should note that NPA receives funding from the Tides Foundation — an institution to which Soros contributes generously (more than $13 million between 1997 and 2003).2 Caos Blog 10/27/2007

So Front Page Magazine points out that NPA recieves money from the Tides Foundation, which recieves millions from George Soros. The Tides Center former Board Chairman was Wade Rathke, who also serves as President of the New Orleans based Local 100 SEIU and is the founder and chief organizer of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now(ACORN.) In Addition, Rathe has also served on Boards for the AFL - CIO which is affilated with our own Central Illinois Organiziang Project, (CIOP.)

Wade Rathke is the founder of a movement he designed called "The Welfare Rights Movement." Rathke calls this "The Maximum Eligible Participation Solution." The method of operation is to get as many people on the welfare rolls and demand every single dime that they can recieve.
This is simply the Cloward- Piven Strategy which was designed by two Marxist Professors in a "Nation" article in 1966. The article was called "The weight of the Poor," The two marxist authors intended to devise a method for a "massive drive to recruit the poor onto the welfare rolls in a effort to overwhelm our system causing it to collapse. blog written by Mathew Vadum

Now ask yourself are the radicals at the Tea Partys, or are they ones in DC who are friends with President Obama? It is horrifying to know that organizations right here in the Twin Cities are all connected to these people in an effort to promote social, economic and racial justice. Many of these organizations do good things in their communities, but note they have a far larger agenda that goes beyond Central Illinois and it doesn't involve liberty.

Horowitz excellant essays on Saul Alinsky.

David Horowitz has an excellant series of essays he has been writing about Saul Alinsky. They are very informative and he is a brillant writer and academic. Horowitz was a source of inspiration for me in starting this blog.

Here is the link:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

NPA / CIOP Why So Angry?

National Peoples Action are lefist extremist sometimes even described as militant. There method of operation is to bus in hundreds of people to invade the private property of high ranking elected officals and Business Executives. They apparently have their songs that they love to sing during their direct action protest sessions. One goes:

Who's on your HIT list NPA?
Who's on your HIT list for today?
Take No Prisoner, take no names.
Kick'em in the ass, when they play their games!

NPA is funded by the Tides Foundation, Ben & Jerry's Foundation and the MacArthur, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and horrifically our TAX Dollars! The Mott Foundation also supports NTIC and monitors their progress anually.

Victims of NPA's so called "Direct Action" are Jack Kemp, Mitt Romney's father,Paul Volker, Ben Bernake, Phil Grahm, Karl Rove and numerous Bank Executives. In 2004 the Washington Post reported that a large group (angry mob) of several hundred surronded Karl Rove's house and after knocking on his door and numerous chants the group grew aggressive and started peering through Rove's windows tracking his every move and driving the children into tears.

Ask yourself who is the real angry mob? Is it Tax Paying Americans at Townhall Meetings who may passionately raise their voice, or is it President Obama's own radical lefist groups like NPA?

For more information about Karl Rove and NPA check out Michelle Malkin's article " A closer look at left - wing thuggery"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

CIOP asks Fed for $1 Billion

The Central Illinois Organizing Project on Saturday met with Federal Reserve Officals at the Decatur Civic Center. The CIOP boldy asked for $1 Billion dollars for a Pilot Project to help impoverished areas like Downtown Pekin(?), and Peoria's Harrison Homes which are rebuilt every ten years it seems. It is rumored they got the meeting after protesting in front of Fed Chair Bernake's home. The NTIC and National Peoples Action allegedly used the same method of operation years ago with former Fed Chair Paul Volker.
Also the featured speaker was the Nation and Washington Post writer William Grieder a proponant of Global Humanism (One World Govt) According to Grieder wants a group of Deciders or Central Planners to control our lives in the name of a Marxist Utopia. It is clear in order to achieve this Utopia of No Freedom a security force would be necessary to intimidate and silence the opposition. Security Force:
The american people who are waking are reading a book called "The 5000 Year Leap." This book shows us that the Founding Fathers belived Divine Providence played a large role in the founding of our country. Also it explains the importance of moral character and truth amongst all citizens in order for a Republic to survive. By contrast the radicals trying destroy our country follow a book dedicated to Lucifer called "Rules for Radicals"which teaches deception, ridicule, and win at all costs. It is amazing that several churches here in the Twin Cities have chosen to align themselves with NTIC and National Peoples Action which have very high reguard for the book "Rules for Radicals" dedicated to the ultimate destroyer.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Saul Alinsky is in the Twin Cities

Great Video shows several Saul Alinsky quotes:

There are Community Organizations in Bloomington Normal (NPA) who have been schooled on Saul Alinsky's Book "Rules for Radicals." Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Satan: " Lest we forget, an over the shoulder acknowlegment to the very first radical:

"From all legends, mythology, and history ( and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins --- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that at least he won his own kingdom --- Lucifer."

Author David Horowitz explains Salinsky's dedication this way: " Alinsky begins by telling readers what a radical is. He is not a reformer of the system but its would be destroyer."

The above quotes are from David Horowitz's Blog:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Clunkers Program Hurts Used Car Dealers

Cash Bribes for Clunkers

Alexis de Tocqueville said, "The American republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's own money."
The U.S. Congress is unconstitutionally bribing the American people with $4,500 to buy cars in the "Cash for Clunkers" program.
Many struggling families can't afford new cars and rely on the purchases of used vehicles. Hundreds of thousands of cars are being traded in and destroyed, not resold. This takes thousands of used cars off the market, driving prices upward. In turn, this dries up the supply of used parts thus inflating the parts market.
This program is bribing families to trade in their car that is likely paid for and go into debt. Isn't this similar to the programs Congress, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae designed that led to the housing crisis?
This program is extremely wasteful because, instead of keeping existing cars running, it promotes making a huge carbon footprint with a large energy output to produce new vehicles.
Also, the program will let you scrap your 8,000-pound 18 mpg vehicle and give you cash to get a new 8,000-pound vehicle as long as it gets 4 mpg more.
As the politicians, unions, ACORN and the media loudly applaud this program, it is reminiscent of a scene from Star Wars Episode III when Queen Amidala, while listening to the Senate, somberly stated, "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."