Mike Matejka is a former Bloomington City Council member, Union activist, Task Force member of Community-Wide Sustainability Development Plan 2035 for the City of Normal , and a former Board Member of the Central Illinois Organizing Project, now known as Illinois Peoples Action.
On July 27th, 2006. The Pantagraph published a article by Mr. Matejka about former Vice President Al Gore’s movie “Inconvenient Truth.” This movie helped launch the End of World hysteria that Central Planners around the Globe used to push their sustainable development agenda on trusting populations. Gore’s movie has since been discredited with over thirty known falsehoods. In 2006 Gore said we only have Ten Years left to save the planet from scorching. Not Surprisingly, Al Gore was also involved in the Chicago Climate Exchange and it has been said he would have been a Multi Billionaire overnight if Congress would have passed Cap and Trade Legislation. Here are some exerts from Matejka’s article:
"That's why McLean County residents should hurry to see Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth." Using hard science, careful data and a strong moral message, the film's conclusion is inescapable - unless we change our consumption patterns and our rate of CO2 emissions, we are heating up our planet. And heating up our planet alters weather patterns, leading to unpredictable and powerful storms, hurricanes and tornadoes."
." And right now, our current risk of long-term environmental damage is stark and immediate, with the planet's 10 hottest years in the past 14 - this is not a cycle, this is a disaster warning. Run, bike or walk to the nearest theater or video store and screen"
Mike Matejka is also a former board member of CIOP / Illinois Peoples Action and he recently spoke on a topic at the Illinois Peoples Action’s candidate forum. Illinois Peoples Action is the downstate branch of the militant National Peoples Action whose mission would make the Constitutionally uncompatable term Social Justice come to life in a complete transformation of American Society. According to National Peoples Action this is their “Big”mission:
1. TAKE BACK our power to USE THE GOVERNMENT as OUR TOOL to promote the COMMON GOOD, CORRECT THE INJUSTICES of the past, and REDISTIBUTE resources equitably and sustainably.
(MARXISM my words)
2. DEMOCRATIZE the market to put people above profits. (End of Capitalism my words)
3. ENFORCE fundamental human RIGHTS standards that prevent exploitation of people and the ENIVRONMENT. (Sustainable Development planning your life my words)
4. TAKE ACTION to ensure racial, gender, ECONOMIC , and immigrant justice in ALL social and economic systems. (Replacing the Rule of law in our Civil Society with the Rule of Men. No more Bill of Rights and Constitution)
The first major victory for National Peoples Action occurred in 1977 when partnered with the infamous ACORN pushed for and won the 1977 Community Re-Investment Act passed by Congress. The 1977 Re-Investment Act accompanied with the 1989 Amendment to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and additional regulations issued by the Clinton Treasury Department in 1995 forced banks to make loans to people with bad credit and insufficient income.
. These unwise transactions became known as “subprime loans” and were often given without documenting income, revealing credit scores or requiring a down payment. This should serve as a clear warning of what happens when Planners (National Peoples Action) try to correct what they deem as injustice. Their good intentions (in there view ) caused many poor people to obtain home loans they couldn’t afford causing stress on the poor and the banking system. The More the Planners Plan, The More they Get Things Wrong and create Injustices.
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