Friday, April 1, 2011

Bloomington - Normal Central Planning Pt3

     The US Mayors Conference which Mayor Koos is a member, also endorses the Earth Charter written by Socialist Maurice Strong and Communist Mikhail Gorbachev former leader of the Soviet Union. Interestingly Strong is a former Secretary General of the United Nations and huge proponent of Sustainable Development even though he currently lives in China, his company builds an average of one Coal Plant per week. Consequently Strong himself is one of the world’s biggest polluters. Maurice Strong was also involved in the UN oil for Food Scandal when he endorsed himself a check for $988,885 dollars. Strong also was a stockholder and board member of the Chicago Climate Exchange and stood to make billions if Cap and Trade Legislation was passed. Maurice Strong after the 1992 Conference in Rio said “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? And isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

     Mikhail Gorbachev former leader of the collapsed Soviet Union standing with Maurice Strong at a news conference about the Earth Charter stated ““We have, I believe, to gear consumption to peoples cultural and spiritual needs also through culture and education and within the framework of laws, we shall address the problem of controlling the world’s population.” Mr. Gorbachev also stated that he hoped the 16 principles of the Earth Charter would be the New Ten Commandments.

     A Normal City Council member two years ago was asked if they had ever heard of the Earth Charter? The reply was “ Yes, we have passed it around the council.” Bloomington City Council Member Jennifer McDade played a active role in bringing Dr. Peter Blaze Corcoran an author of “Earth in Action” and a huge proponent of the Earth Charter and an advisor to the United Nations to Illinois State University. As an advisor for the Earth Charter Initiative (ECI), Corcoran provides leadership to guide the transition to a more sustainable global community. An Illinois State University website promoting the event stated “ Corcoran will facilitate a dialogue among the participants about Current and Future possibilities for campus and Community Collaborations.”

     Council Member McDade was given all the information in this article and graciously responded to two questions that I asked:

Question 1: Are you a proponent of the Un Earth Charter?

Answer by Council Member McDade:

Outside of my professional responsibilities for the Peter Corcoran event (which was part of my work assignment at Illinois State University), I am not involved with the Earth Charter

Question 2: Are you actively pushing for the principles of the Earth Charter for the City of Bloomington?

Answer by Council Member McDade:

No. I am not familiar enough with the document to comment on the accuracy of your statement below.

     The Earth Charter is overwhelmingly about Transnationalism. Why are so many local officals looking at the Transnational Earth Charter instead of the US Constitution?

Some Principles from The Earth Charter:

3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful.

a. Ensure that communities at all levels guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms and provide everyone an opportunity to realize his or her full potential.

b. Promote social and ECONOMIC JUSTICE, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful livelihood that is ecologically responsible.

Adopt at all levels sustainable development plans and regulations that make environmental conservation and rehabilitation integral to all development initiatives.

Guarantee the right to potable water, clean air, food security, uncontaminated soil, shelter, and safe sanitation, allocating the national and international resources required.

After reading these brief examples ask yourself who granted the New “Rights” to water, clean air, food, and Security? In Addition, ask yourself who is going to oversee the promotion of Economic Justice or wealth Re-Distribution and the universal development plans? Economic Justice in the Earth Charter is talking about taking from the Carbon Producers (The United States) and giving our wealth and energy to the rest of the world. And who has the capability or would like to have the capability to provide an armed force that can guarantee a right to security? Now do you still really believe that all of these sustainable development ideas are originating from the residents of Bloomington- Normal and it’s all about beautification?

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