The great thing about America up until twenty years ago was in the words of former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill “All Politics are Local.” Speaker O’Neill was correct and that is how our representative republic is supposed to work. Beginning in 1992 with a United Nations environmental conference in Rio de Janerio, Brazil the entire concept of “Local Control” by the People was flipped on its head and the American people didn’t know it than and most still don’t twenty years later. President Herbert Walker Bush signed onto the environmental accords that provided a detailed blueprint of action to be taken globally and locally by countries, organizations, United Nations (ngos), environmental groups, and every President hence forth including President Obama has directed agencies to implement the accords throughout the federal government down to the local level. The new hip catch phrase in the words of David Bower, founder of the Sierra Club is “Think Globally, Act Locally.”
Mayor Koos was quoted in the Pantagraph: "What we're doing in Normal is what the federal and state officials want to see happen along the corridor," Koos said. "The directive from the feds is that sustainable, livable communities should be developed along the corridors.” Do you still really think all of these ideas are coming from locals and it’s simply about beautifying main street?
Sustainable Development is code for Central Planners and these planners are making the plans for every aspect of your life. The Goal of Planners like Doug Farr, hired by Bloomington and Normal to design the Main Street Corridor is to force populations into small, highly populated areas, with few cars, a reliance on bicycles, public transit and to herd unsuspecting Americans into a communal society. They are planning what kind of car you will drive, , If you should ride a bike, How many miles you can drive, Can you use your cell and drive, Your weekly water usage, Your thermostat settings, If your TV is too big, What light bulbs you use, Is your home too big, Are you healthy enough, Can you eat food grown on your own farm, and even if you should be allowed to own property at all in the name of serving the “Collective Good.”
US Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood has been a popular guest of the McLean County Chamber of Commerce and he has said “I have joined a transformational adminastration, I think we can change people’s behavior.” Lahood stated on the subject of cell phones and driving… “There’s a lot of technology out there now that can disable phones and we’re looking at that.” Lahood on mass transit ... "It is a way to coerce people out of their cars. Yeah." Secretary Lahood commenting on a mileage tax…” We should look at the vehicular miles program where people are actually clocked on the number of miles that they traveled.” Perhaps Lahood’s most honest comment is “About everything we do around here is intrusion into people’s lives.” Chapter One of author Terrance Jeffrey’s book “Control Freaks” thoroughly illustrates how Secretary Ray LaHood is using the force of government to manipulate markets to force us out of our cars and even our homes to live in the "high density" housing environments they preferred we would inhabit. Sadly it appears local planners and Lahood think we exist to simply fulfill their dreams for our lives and not our own.
New Urbanism Architect Doug Farr of Farr & Associates hired by our community to plan our future isn’t fond of the automobile. His goal is for people only to drive 4000 miles a year like Americans did in the 1970s. Farr has even suggested in interviews that employers start charging their employees to park so people will find a way not to drive. According to the McLean County Pundits website the original Main Street Plan Farr called for banning drive though windows at Fast Food Chains, Dry Cleaners, Pharmacies, etc and even proposed building public showers at taxpayer expense so bicyclist could shower on there way to work. Doug Farr Tweeted at the Gulf Coast Green Symposium “ It will take 5 years to change all the lite bulbs, 10 for the cars, 25 for buildings, 35 for land use.” It is logical to conclude that Form Based Code has nothing to with beautification and everything to do with Behavior Modification and is just the beginning of what the planners are planning.
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